Beauty is All Perspective

William Clyde Mosley III
2 min readJan 22, 2023


Chapter 1

Some times life is good, sometimes it’s not. Everyday fluctuates. I made a vlog that touches on perspective. Below I expand further on the introduction in the film.

Chapter 2

I want to help anyone that I care for to understand that they are beautiful. They’re a King. They’re a Queen. They’re a human being.

Chapter 3

I realize that this is easy to dismiss:

  • I don’t feel beautiful
  • Life is shit
  • If only I had X I’d be Y

Chapter 4

Every person I see. I find it hard to not have a genuine compliment. Whether it’s:

  • your complexion
  • confidence
  • Tattoos
  • Choice of wear
  • Energy (so important)

I can find something that’s stands out. That usually is the common denominator. You hit someone where it matters and that opens the door for open conversation.

The fact that we’re breathing right now.

That you’re able to:

  • read this (we’re talking language, 100s of years of work)
  • think an internal thought
  • have and external response
  • and have a deep emotional response

is nothing short of magic.

Chapter 5

You’ve won. No matter how fucked you feel. We have:

  • so many stereotypes to keep you down.
  • so much judgement towards body image
  • so much media to keep you in fear
  • so many broken families and traumatic relationships keeping you in depression

Know that even at your lowest. You are beautiful.

Chapter 6

I know that it’s not enough to say “I’m beautiful.” It all comes down to:

  • keeping good energy around you.
  • processing the childhood trauma that impacts decisions today
  • reconciling recent pain from friends, family, partner
  • Understanding that 1% better today compounds if it’s 1% better everyday after.

Chapter 7

My life continues to move like the ocean. Some days are harder than others, but the waves are flattening more and more day by day.

Chapter 8

I used to think that if helped impact and touch other’s at a massive level, that I’d be doing my work as a human being. That’s far from the truth. These days, I’ve changed. I focus simply on the very tiny circle around me:

  • Me
  • My 5 Boys
  • My Wife

That’s 7 life forces. That’s more than enough meaningful impact.



William Clyde Mosley III

William Clyde Mosley III ( @williamcmosley ) has over 1,996,800 minutes of marketing, eCommerce & social media distribution experience combined.